Wine is our passion and dedication,
quality the overall maxim.
Heumann Winery
7800 Siklós, Ipartelepi út 2.

Carsten Henn, Vinum editor has recommended our Kékfrankos Reserve 2012 as his wine of the month July. This is his tasting note:

What a wonderful fresh, black-violet Kékfrankos (Blaufränkisch) Reserve, made by the Swiss family Heumann inVillány, the southernmost wine region of Hungary. Somewine specialists callthisarea the Bordeaux of the East. Inspiring pure notes of sweet cherry and licorice plus a great, medium-grained tannin structure, which integrates the fruit sweetness.This combined with a fresh acidity gives the wine length and enormous succulence.The wine ends with noble tartness. It is rustic in the finest way - a nobleman made farmer. Still needs time in the bottle, another two years, but has everything for a long life. Aged in 500-literbarrels.

Recommended by Carsten Henn, Vinum Editor Germany

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